It’s the exciting time of the year when New Year Resolutions could create a New You! A new year signals a new beginning. Moreover, it’s the hopeful and exciting time to reevaluate our life choices.
  • What does your ideal life look like?
  • What resolutions would get you where you want to be?
  • How can you start and keep resolutions that will make you happier?
Many people struggle with following through with new year resolutions after the first weeks. , research has shown that intentions may be more helpful than resolutions to change our life. If we want to make positive changes in our life, should we focus on resolutions or intentions?

Difference Between Resolutions and Intentions

A resolution is a firm decision to do or not to do something. We focus on the outcome we want to see. Some examples are:
  • Lose 20 pounds
  • Save $100 per month
  • Go to the gym twice a week
Resolutions are specific habits that we expect to adopt or goals that we hope to achieve. In addition, people hope that with a new year it will be easier to create a new you. New year resolutions are based on what we know is good for us but it’s not always easy to consistently make good choices for ourselves. Therefore, we need willpower and determination to keep making the right decisions for ourselves. After a few weeks we get tired and end up abandoning our resolutions.   On the other hand, a new year intention is a habit or a goal we mean to work on. We will remind ourselves of doing more of this or less of that depending on the behavior we want to change. For example, if we have the intention of eating healthy food, we will try to choose healthy food more often. We may still eat unhealthy food. Here are tips on how to be happy eating healthy food.  You may wonder, should I choose new year resolutions or new year intentions?

My Experience with New Year Resolutions

Toward the end of the year, I would clearly see the new and improved version of me. In addition, it was exhilarating thinking about the new life I would create for myself starting on January 1st. Over the years, after much frustration around February about my inability to stick to my new year resolutions, I found a new way of thinking about them. Instead of piling up all my expectations for an improved me for the new year, I started considering my resolutions as something I could begin any day of the year. It is the daily journey toward a happier life. Over the last 10 years, I changed what I did for work, what I thought about myself, what I owed, where I lived, and what I ate. I did not change any of those things because it was January 1st of a new year and changes did not happen overnight. Here are the 4 strategies for anytime resolutions that will change your life: A resolution starts with the decision to change something we dislike about our life and focus on a new behavior we want to adopt.

1 – Start Your Resolutions Right Now

What lifestyle changes do you want to make? For most people they include:
  • Exercising more
  • Loosing weight
  • Eating healthier
  • Getting out of debt
  • Saving more money
  • Spending more time with family
  • Making some extra money
Are you feeling exhilarated and enthusiastic about making a specific change in your life? Can you see yourself healthier, more energetic, and happier? What could you do today to make that change? We don’t know how we will feel tomorrow. We may be sick, in a bad mood, or just not feeling like following through with our resolution. Our priorities may change depending on everything that happens around us. Planning to begin a new specific lifestyle in a few weeks may lead us to sabotage ourselves by indulging in the exact opposite of what we want to change. If our resolution is to cut back on spending money, we may splurge in extra shopping anticipating the change. If the change we are considering will have a positive effect in our life, why not start now and enjoy the benefits immediately?

2 – See Yourself After the Change

See yourself walking, speaking, and looking as someone who already has the lifestyle you are trying to create for yourself. Moreover, feel like the healthier, more athletic, full of energy person you want to be. Focus on the end result. Don’t think about what you will need to do or how you will have to deprive yourself in order to create your ideal lifestyle.

3 – One Simple Action Today

Once you have the picture of the new you in your mind, decide what step you can take today that will move you closer to the person you want to become. Take one simple action toward your resolution or intention today. Once you know what your first resolution is, determine one action you will take today to move closer to achieving the end result. It needs to be simple but definitely move you toward your resolution.

4 – Make it Enjoyable

Make your resolution something you look forward to. Find out how you could work on your resolution while having fun and enjoying the process.
  • Who could help you with your resolutions?
  • Is there any support group in your area or online?
  • What type of activities do you enjoy?
  • What are your favorite healthy foods?
  • Learn more about yummy and healthy food choices
Feeling good while making the necessary changes is essential to stick to our resolutions. Here is an example of how to be happy eating healthy food. How are you planning to create a new you in this new year?