Did you ever wonder how to start a journal?

Well known personalities such as:

George Washington

Marco Polo

Thomas Edison

Leonardo da Vinci

Rainer Maria Rilke

Frida Kahlo

Simone de Beauvoir

Virginia Woolf

Charlotte Bronte

Marie Curie

among many others recorded their experiences in a diary or journal.

What are the Benefits of Journaling?

“In the journal I am at ease.” Anais Nin

Journaling makes you feel good because you can express yourself honestly without having to worry about the opinion or criticism of others.

In addition, starting a journal will not only enable you to manage your day-to-day experiences, but also quiet your mind and reflect on your current circumstances.

The act of journaling can boost happiness, improve sleep, and reduce the impact of illnesses. 

Moreover, you will also get to unravel what resonates within you as you jot your words on the paper.

Journaling has so many benefits that you may be wondering, how to start a journal right away.

What is Journaling?

Journaling is recording your emotions, feelings, and life experience in general. 

For example, if you write about your daily positive experiences you will feel grateful and satisfied with your life.

If you write about your negative experiences you will feel relieved and come to insightful conclusions.

In addition, just writing about your every day life, will feel calming and relaxing.


Tips on How to Start a Journal

“Journal what you love, what you hate, what’s in your head, what’s important. Journaling organizes your thoughts; allows you to see things in a concrete way that otherwise you might not see. Focus on what you think you need to find in your art.” Kay Walkingstick

Journaling can be a difficult task, especially if it is something you have never done before.

If you are uncertain about the journaling process, below is a step by step guide on how to start a journal for beginners:

1 – Understand Why You Want to Journal

There are many different reasons for journaling.

Well, being able to express your thoughts and feelings can have immense benefits on your mental, emotional, and even physical health.

People keep journals for different reasons, and it is important that you are aware of why you want to start journaling.

Here are some reasons for starting a journal:

  • Keep a record of your day to day life
  • Reflect on your current circumstances to understand your options
  • Solve problems that feel overwhelming
  • Remind yourself to feel grateful for all the good things in your life
  • Get rid or understand recurring thoughts
  • Explore the creative process of writing
  • Improve your writing and communication skills
  • Understand and clarify confusing situations
  • Get rid of negative thoughts, anger, and sadness
  • Better understand what is important to you
  • Organize your thinking process
  • Get to know yourself better
  • Explore your feelings and beliefs
  • Calm down when you feel anxious or nervous
  • Talk to yourself or others

You could choose one reason or all of them.

2 – Get Your Materials 

The traditional way to journal is to write your thoughts on paper.

In addition, some people like to choose a special notebook and pen. This will motivate you to start writing especially in the beginning.

You may also record your thoughts on your computer or phone. Depending on what is more easily available to you.

If you rather journal on your device, here are the best journaling apps.

You may also use an audio recorder, video recorder, and even making a collage are great alternatives.

Experiment with different materials until you find the one that is best for you.

My favorite journaling materials are a spiral notebook and a pen.

I tried fancy journals and even though they motivate me to write more in the beginning, I am not able to write neatly for long periods of time.

My scribbles, coffee stains, and pen mishaps make me feel irritable if they happen in a neat journal however if something looks messy in a spiral notebook I just turn the page and happily keep writing.

3 – Find the Right Time

Our lives are so busy that it may not be easy to make some time to journal.

However, as journaling has so many positive effects in our mood, it is worth it, to make some room in our schedule.

When would it be easier to spend some time alone and focused on yourself?

You may try different times until you find what works with your schedule.

Some people like to journal in the morning about their plans and goals for the day.

I find it relaxing to journal before going to sleep. When rest of the family is already sleeping and it is quiet. Writing about what happened throughout the day is a good way to unwind and get ready to sleep.

Nonetheless, you can try out different times of the day just to find out what time works for you.

4 – Write Your Prompts

Prompts  are ideas to help you get started on your daily journal writing.

They will help you think and write about your mental health, identity, relationships, finances, goals, happiness, or anything else.

Below are examples of some journaling prompts:

  • Right now, I am feeling…  (Mood journal)
  • This is a list of what I did today… (Daily journal)
  • Three things I am grateful for are (Gratitude journal)
  • The most important thing I did today.. (Productivity journal)
  • One thing I will do today to improve myself (Self-reflection journal)

You may keep the same journal prompt or change it daily.

5 – Keep it Private

The purpose of starting a journal is to freely express yourself without having to worry about what others may think.

In addition, if you write your most secret and intimate thoughts in your journal, how would you feel if someone else reads them?

There may be people in your household who would be curious about reading your journal. The more you hide it, the more curious others may become.

I have written journals since I was a teenager and making sure that nobody was able to read my thoughts was one of my most important concerns.

For example, as a teenager, I always feared that my parents, siblings, or friends would find my journal and read it.

I tried different strategies such as keeping my journal in a locked drawer, hidden among my clothes, or in a secret spot. However, I found out that the more you hide your journal, the more others will want to read it.

Leonardo da Vinci used mirror writing. He wrote from the right side of the page moving to the left, to make sure his thoughts would stay private. I tried this strategy, however it was extremely difficult to read my writing even in a mirror.

I’ve found out that if I write quickly it is difficult for others to read my writing.

So that is how I keep my journal private, now.

In addition, using only the initial instead of the full name of a person can be helpful to keep identities hidden in case someone tries to spy on your thoughts.

6 – Enjoy the Process

Once you know how to start a journal it’s time to make it enjoyable.

In addition, writing a journal could be part of your self-care routine. Make yourself comfortable and enjoy writing your thoughts on paper.

Start with the tools that you have available. Getting started is more important than getting the perfect notebook or app.

  • Add a date and time
  • Let all your ideas lose
  • Don’t worry about grammar
  • Scribble on purpose

Here are more tips on How Writing Can Make You Happy

7 – Keep the Benefits in Mind

If you see the value in journaling it will be easier to create a habit and stick to it,

Introverts usually enjoy writing a journal because they feel at ease by themselves with a paper and pencil. However extroverts may feel like writing a journal is a waste of time.

  • Writing helps you get your thoughts in order
  • Explore your feelings and beliefs
  • Get in touch with yourself
  • Uncover new parts of yourself you did not know existed
  • Remind you of all the good things in your life (gratitude journal)

8 –  Revisit your Journal

This is among the most fundamental tip of how to start a journal for beginners.

Taking time to look back at what you have been writing for the past month can be quite interesting.

That being said, it is important that you schedule a date or time to go back to your previous journal pages. Making this a habit allows you to reflect on the changes in your life with regard to your goals, attitude, and abilities.

If there is something you have improved, or proud of changing, be sure to capture it in your day’s journal entry.

What is your experience with journals? Do you think you would like to start a journal? Let me know in the comments below.

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