Find out how exercise makes you happy by including more into your day.

Most of us are caught up in day-to-day repetitive activities that we try to complete more efficiently and effectively.

Thus, feeling exhausted and disappointed at the end of the day wishing we had done more and faster. 

However, a simple way to change our mood does not require spending extra money, visiting far away places, or making new friends.

There are simple activities that we can include in our everyday life such as mindfulness, compassion, or meditation that will boost our mood.

Let’s find out how exercise makes you happy by changing the chemical reactions in your brain. 

How Exercise Impacts Your Mood

Physical exercise stimulates our brain by producing neurotransmitters such as endorphins, serotonin, dopamine, and testosterone. Moreover, these hormones make us feel more energetic, calmer and happier after a work out.

According to a recent study, people who exercised had fewer days of poor mental health compared to individuals who did not exercise.

Besides, physical exercise will:

  • Increase your muscle strength
  • Maintain a healthy body weight
  • Boost your energy
  • Promote a positive mood

Furthermore, it can also get you out of a cycle of negative thoughts that may lead to depression and anxiety.

Research shows that physical activity helps to improve anxiety symptoms.

In addition, you will feel good about your appearance, which improves your self-esteem and a positive mood.

4 Tips to Work Out Regularly

Sometimes it may seem difficult to exercise regularly if we don’t have a routine.  

We have a lot of reasons of why it’s so difficult to include exercise into our life such as lack of:







1 – Build a Habit

A good strategy to exercise regularly is to build a habit. At a certain time of the day, after a specific activity, you exercise. For example:

  • wake up and go to the gym
  • walk the dog after breakfast
  • hear a specific ringtone and stretch
  • stop by the gym before going home
  • go for a walk before lunch

It’s easier to stick to an exercise routine than to make the decision every time that you are going to exercise. 

Moreover, you will experience how exercise makes you happy after every workout of at least 30 minutes.

However, habits can become boring.

2 – Keep it Fun

If you feel like you are dragging yourself to your exercise routine and it has become a chore, it may be time to add some variety. Try:

  • a different gym, class, or activity
  • an exercise buddy
  • listening to interesting music/audiobook
  • a healthy reward after the work out

Hiking, gardening, dancing, or taking yoga classes are great ways to include more exercise in our life.

3 – Exercise Throughout the Day

Look for ways to include more movement throughout your regular day.

Here are some examples that will immediately increase your blood flow and uplift your mood:

  • going for a short walk
  • stretching while sitting at your computer
  • taking the stairs
  • walking around our work area if there isn’t any time to go outside
  • going to the farthest restroom
  • setting a timer every hour to remember to move
  • wearing clothes and shoes that allow us to move freely and frequently

4 – Make it Convenient

What can you do so it will be easier to exercise?

  • Some people go to sleep in their gym outfit to jump out of bed and get started
  • Keep comfy clothes and shoes handy
  • Have a gym bag ready at all time

How Exercise Makes You Happy


Regular exercise and movement not only build your muscles, but also contribute to improve your general mood and well being. 

Our body and brain need exercise to be at their best. Moreover, our brain releases hormones such as endorphins when we exercise that create a sense of happiness that we feel during and after physical activity.

Dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine combine to relieve both depression and anxiety, which help to keep a positive mood.

If you find your thoughts drifting toward negative or anxious thoughts, include some physical activity and exercise in your day to lift your mood.

How will you include more physical activity and consequently more happiness into your everyday life?