How can endorphins make you happy?
Most activities that boost your mood involve the release of feel good hormones such as endorphins.
Let’s take a closer look at what endorphins are and how we can produce more of them.
Wouldn’t it be nice to know how to naturally increase the level of feel good chemicals in our body?
What are Endorphins?
Endorphins are chemicals that our nervous system and pituitary gland naturally produce to reduce stress or pain.
Moreover, endorphins relieve pain in a similar way than morphine.
They are released in response to brain chemicals called neurotransmitters.
There are many natural ways to increase endorphins in our body.
Do Endorphins Make You Happy?
Endorphins are natural painkillers because they activate receptors in the brain that minimize discomfort.
In addition, they can also produce feelings of euphoria and well-being.
Low levels of endorphins may produce moodiness, depression, or anxiety.
Benefits of Endorphins
- alleviate depression
- reduce stress
- boost self-esteem
- manage weight
- deal with pain
What Activities Release Endorphins?
Every person is different but there are many ways that we can help our body to produce feel good hormones.
Here is a list of 10 ways to increase our endorphin levels and feel happy.
1 – Exercise
Physical exercise has many benefits such as reducing stress and improving mood.
When you exercise, your nervous system and pituitary gland, produce endorphines.
These chemicals trigger a positive feeling similar to that of morphine and reduce our perception of pain.
After working out, people reported to feel in a better mood with decreased stress, depression, and anger.
If you are wondering if there is any specific exercise that will trigger more of these feel good hormones, consider a strenuous exercise.
Runners experience a “high” feeling during or after a run. It is when the pain of training disappears, you feel light and full of energy. It feels like euphoria. The amount of time it lasts and when you feel it depends on each person.
Continuous exercise for more than 30 minutes triggers the release of feel good brain chemicals.
Find out How Exercise Makes You Happy: 4 Tips to Work Out Regularly
2 – Listen to Music
One of the many benefits of listening to music is the release of endorphins.
A study on cyclists showed that when we listen to upbeat music while exercising, we tend to work out harder and for longer periods of time.
Moreover, music distracts us from our physical discomfort and the endorphins released into our body block pain and induce feelings of pleasure.
Here are more tips on How to Be Happy by Listening to Music.
3 – Laugh
According to research, when we laugh, our brain releases endorphins.
To include more laughter in your life:
- watch comedies, funny videos, or humorous shows
- hang out or connect with people who make you laugh
- play with little kids and animals
- do something silly and laugh at yourself
4 – Get a Massage
There are many benefits of getting a massage such as reducing
- anxiety
- digestive disorders
- headaches
- insomnia
- sport injuries
- muscle tension
Moreover, getting a massage can relax your body and your mind.
Receiving a massage releases many feel good hormones.
These neurotransmitters will reduce stress, pain, and muscle tension.
5 – Meditate
Meditation produces not only endorphins but also dopamine, serotonin, and melatonin.
A study found that the level of endorphins released when running was similar to the level of endorphins released during meditation.
Here are some tips on How to Be Happy Practicing Meditation.
6 – Try Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils from plants, flowers, leaves, roots or other parts of plants.
Inhaling the scent of essential oils can lower stress levels.
Scents release brain chemicals that can decrease stress and depression.
7 – Bask in the Sun
The sun is not only a good source for vitamin D but also helps to produce endorphins.
A study found that exposure to ultraviolet radiation releases endorphins and feels so good that it is addictive for mice.
Studies do not agree about how much time we should spend in the sun for maximum benefit. On average, it seems that spending between 10 -30 minutes a day a few days per week could be enough.
8 – Have Sex
Having sex releases oxytocin and endorphins, which produce happy feeling
These feel good hormones activate pleasure centers in the brain and help with anxiety and depression.
9 – Try Acupuncture
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medicine-based practice used to treat acute and chronic pain.
Very thin needles are inserted at specific points on the body. The pain produced by the needles, triggers the release of endorphins.
The needles will stay between 5 to 30 minutes.
Many people feel relaxed and energized after the needles are removed.
10 – Eat
Our brain releases endorphins after eating regardless of how much we are enjoying our meal.
A study compared the release of endorphins of participants after eating pizza and after drinking a tasteless nutritional drink. In both cases, endorphins were released.
However, there is some specific food that contains high levels of vitamins and minerals needed to produce endorphins such as:
- chocolate
- meat
- spicy food
- grapes
- nuts and seeds
Find out more about Food that Lifts Your Mood and Makes You Happy.
Now you know about 10 ways that will increase your feel good hormones in your body.
Next time you are feeling moody, stressed or anxious, try one of these feel good activities to boost your mood.
Which activity do you enjoy the most? Let me know in the comments below.
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I do a lot of these things and yes you’re right, these make me so happy like for example working out, it makes me feel amazing…
I love this article! Endorphins and happiness are critical to well-being. There is a verse that talks about laughter doing good like medicine. It is literally therapy!
I do alot of these daily and they definitely help to boost my mood and make me happy.
These activities are really helpful for making me happy! I’m glad you shared these tips with us, thank you!
LOved this…this blog post is truly very informative and helpful one for every of reader…glad you shared this with us..Thanks indeed for sharing…
Excellent activities. I can attest that meditation really helps.
i do quite a number of these daily and they indeed keep me happy
I think sex is the easiest for a lot of people. I think aromatherapy has been working for me a lot I have a new diffuser to help me.
Endorphins are one of the few chemicals in the body that’s really good for the body.
It was very interesting to know how endorphins function and how we can activate them to feel positive and happy 🙂