While trying to get done all the work that piles up on our desk or inbox we forget how to be happy at work.

According to the CNBC/Survey Monkey Workplace Happiness the biggest contributor to overall happiness at work is its meaningfulness.

Most people work to pay their bills, cards, and things they want. However work can also be a place to be happy.

We get more things done when we feel good about ourselves, are healthy,  and find our work meaningful.

10 Strategies On How To Be Happy At Work

1 – How is Your Work Meaningful?

Regardless of what specific tasks we have to perform at work, finding how our job is important will give us a sense of accomplishment and pride.

Instead, if we focus on the daily repetitious activities we tend to get bored and stressed.

To be happy at work, remind yourself how your job benefits not only yourself by providing a salary but also how it contributes to the well being of others.

How is your job making this world a better place?

2 – Create a Doable To Do List

One reason that people are unhappy at work is because they are not able to accomplish all their daily tasks.

On top of their regular work there are always extra and unexpected assignments that need to be completed as a company is growing, changing,  or shrinking.

With that in mind, start every day with a to do list to have a clear picture of what needs to be accomplished during that day.

Having a visual list of everything that needs to be accomplished throughout the day will help you prioritize tasks and have a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day.

3 – Take Small Breaks

When in the office, you probably spend most of your day behind a computer. With that in mind, it is important that you take time to reboot by taking a short break.

During that short break,  you may:

Go for a walk

Listen to music

Check social media

Visit a coworker for a chat


Take deep breaths and relax

Enjoy a healthy snack

Look at yourself in the mirror and smile

Clean up your area

Taking a small break will infuse some happiness into your busy schedule.

4 – Focus on the Positive

To be happy at work, focus on your areas of strengths.

Doing what you are good at helps to keep your passion alive. It makes you look forward to the next working day.

If you are given more and new responsibilities that are outside of your strong skills, look at them as opportunities for growth.

Having a positive attitude toward changes and challenges will help us look for opportunities where others only see problems.

Here are some strategies on how to build self-confidence to focus on the positive.

5 – Stay Away from Negative Co-Workers

Negativity can adversely affect your happiness at work. Therefore, it is important that you avoid spending time with employees whose only job is to spread negativity.

In essence, you need to stay away from meaningless conversations and gossip. That way, you will be able to maintain positivity, and take charge of your feelings.

Here are some strategies on how to deal with difficult people.

6 – Develop Yourself

Personal and professional development are not only beneficial to your career, but they also boost your happiness.

Therefore, it is important that you take charge of your life by taking time to invest in yourself. 

Learn something new every day. Be proactive and focus on making yourself a better employee and person. 

7 – Make Friends

Isolating yourself and working for hours without interacting with others can affect your mood.

Therefore, if you want to maintain happiness at work, be sure to make one or two friends. Having close relationships helps to ensure that you have a support system for days when situations in your workplace are stressful or overwhelming.

8 – Be Self Driven

Self-drive and autonomy are critical determinants of happiness at work.

Consequently, you need to be able to make some decisions on your own.

Additionally, you should be able to work independently without waiting to receive instructions every now and then.

Here are some tips on how to make difficult decisions.

9 – Be Open and Sincere

Sincerity in the workplace is highly critical.

With that in mind, if you are certain that you will not be able to perform a particular task, be open. Additionally, do not take up too much work than you can handle.

In essence, if you want to boost your happiness at work, the secret is not to overpromise as far as your capabilities are concerned.

10 – Choose to be Happy

Happiness is a choice.

Therefore, regardless of what you are going through at your work place, be happy. What does that mean?

That you should not let your colleagues, or situations at work determine your happiness.

With that in mind, learning to cultivate positivity and being optimistic can help you cope with a stressful work environment.

These are some easy strategies on how to be happy at work.

What do you do to be happy at work? Let me know in the comments below.

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