We increase our happiness not only when we achieve our goals but also when we practice compassion.

This desire to relieve feelings of suffering is applicable to both ourselves and others. 

Practicing compassion will make you happy by strengthening your social connections, reducing stress, and improving your immune system.


What Is Compassion?

Compassion is when we feel motivated to relieve suffering in ourselves or others.

If we are able to empathize with a person’s feelings of sorrow or suffering, then this is a compassionate reaction. This emotion helps to boost our bond with the other person.

It is often easier to be compassionate towards others when they have personal struggles. However, we are not always kind to ourselves. We tend to feel unworthy or frustrated.

Components of Self-Compassion

There are three elements of self-compassion that were identified by psychologist, Dr. Kristin Neff.

One is self-kindness. This is when we realize that we can be imperfect and fall short at times. Thus, we can navigate through the tough times without being too critical.

We need to be kind to ourselves when we are not up to our own standards because of:

  • Lack of time 
  • Things don’t turn out as expected 
  • We make mistakes
  • Lack of skills or resources
  • Decline of our ability due to aging

The second element of self-compassion is common humanity. This is where we understand that challenges are part of the shared experiences. When we:

  • Get sick  
  • Have an accident
  • Are impacted by natural disasters
  • Have an emergency 

Lastly, there is the element of mindfulness. We can manage to observe our emotions and not be ignorant or exaggerate them. When we experience negative emotions we can acknowledge them and stay with them. Feelings such as:

  • Disappointment
  • Anger
  • Frustration
  • Sadness

How to be Happy Practicing Compassion?


When we or others are suffering we have two options. We can get mad, criticize, and blame or we can choose to be compassionate.

According to research, compassion and self-compassion increase feelings of happiness and optimism while decreasing anxiety and depression.

Focusing on our well being, admitting mistakes, and modifying unproductive behaviors is how practicing self-compassion will make us happy.

Instead of blaming and criticizing ourselves or others for our shortcomings, we can be kind to ourselves, acknowledge our areas of weaknesses, and use our strengths to move forward.

There are so many circumstances that cannot be changed and are part of being a human being. Accepting these aspects of being alive and looking for ways to work around them will increase our feelings of happiness.

Moreover, showing compassion to others who are suffering will increase our social  connections.


Include More Compassion Into Your Life

The first step is to be kind to yourself and others.

The second step is to see the big picture. There are certain experiences that are part of being alive and we can’t change them. Some examples are getting sick, making mistakes, or losing a loved one.

The third step is to experience the feelings mindfully.

This, however, requires a bit of practice. Try some meditation for 15 to 20 minutes each day in a quiet place. Clear your mind, be present in the moment and focus on that person who needs your compassion.

Here you can read how to be happy practicing meditation.

Include more compassion in your life to feel happier and healthier.