In our quest for fulfillment and success, many of us are searching for the secret to unlocking divine abundance in our lives.
We yearn for a life filled with meaning, purpose, and abundance in all areas – whether it be in our finances, relationships, or personal growth.
In her book, It’s Not Your Money, Tosha Silver offers guidance on how to align ourselves with the infinite flow of divine abundance that is available to us all.
We will explore the concept of divine abundance, strategies, and powerful prayers that can help us tap into this limitless source of blessings.
1.What is Divine Abundance?
Divine abundance is an idea that has been present in various religious and spiritual traditions throughout history.
It refers to the belief that there is an unlimited source of blessings and prosperity available to all individuals.
It is the understanding that there is no shortage or limitation in the universe, and that abundance is not meant to be hoarded or acquired at the expense of others.
Instead, it is a mindset that encourages generosity, gratitude, and a willingness to share our blessings with others.
This concept suggests that by aligning oneself with the divine and practicing certain principles and beliefs, one can tap into this abundance and experience a life of fulfillment and prosperity.
When we embrace the concept of divine abundance, we shift our focus from scarcity and lack to abundance and possibility.
We begin to see opportunities where we once saw obstacles, and we attract more blessings into our lives through our thoughts, words, and actions.
2. The Power of Divine Abundance
Divine abundance is not simply a concept or a theory; it is a tangible force that has the power to transform our lives completely.
When we tap into this infinite flow of divine blessings, we open ourselves up to a world of boundless possibilities and endless opportunities.
One of the key aspects of understanding divine abundance is recognizing that it is not limited to material wealth or financial prosperity.
Yes, that can certainly be a part of it, but it goes much deeper than that. Divine abundance encompasses all areas of our lives – our relationships, our health, our sense of purpose, and our spiritual growth.
When we align ourselves with the energy of divine abundance, we start to release any scarcity mindset or limiting beliefs that may have been holding us back.
We begin to trust in the divine wisdom and guidance that is always available to us, and we surrender to the flow of life, knowing that we are supported in every step we take.
3. The Role of Faith in Attracting Divine Abundance
In order to truly tap into the power of divine abundance, an unwavering faith plays a pivotal role.
Having faith means strongly believing in the abundant nature of the universe and trusting that the divine is working behind the scenes to bring forth blessings and opportunities into our lives.
When we have faith, we release the need to control every aspect of our lives and instead surrender to the higher power.
We understand that there is a divine plan at play, and we are called to have patience and trust in the process.
Faith empowers us to let go of fear and doubt, and instead, embrace a mindset of positivity and possibility.
It allows us to overcome challenges with resilience and to see setbacks as stepping stones towards our ultimate success.
Let’s explore how prayers can connect us to divine abundance.
4. Prayers to Unlock Divine Abundance
A good way to unlock our divine abundance is through prayers.
Prayers can be considered a collaborative problem solving process to help you move outside the limitations of your mind and become more of your true self.
Inviting the Divine into your life can unleash your own instinctive inner self to show you the right actions at the right time.
Prayers will help us to surrender to the divine will and trust in the universe’s plan for us. This may be challenging for some, as we often like to be in control of our lives. However, when we let go and surrender, we allow the universe to work its magic.
Tosha started using prayers when her beloved mother was in her final weeks on Earth. She prayed to be able to stay in the room with her dying mother and give her what she needed.

This prayer worked very well. Tosha discovered that similar prayers also were very powerful.
The language of the prayers can be changed. For example instead of using the words “change me” you may also use “help me”, “allow me”, or “let me” or any variation that feels authentic and personal to you.
The prayers are to let Divine Love take over and transform your life in a positive way.
5. The Full Abundance Change Me Prayer
This prayer includes gratitude and prosperity while at the same time teaches that you, too, deserve to receive.

The first sentence of the Full Abundance Change Me Prayer encourages you to be generous and give with abundance because there is unlimited divine supply.

It’s a reminder to let divine love flow through you. Instead of striving and pushing harder, you are able to get out of the way so that your instincts guide your actions.

If our own needs are always met, we can be generous and abundantly give to others.

Giving is as important as receiving. Some people may feel more comfortable giving than receiving. However, giving without receiving, overtime turns into resentment and feelings of worthlessness.

It’s important to appreciate yourself.
Keep in mind you are a valuable and beautiful person.

Receive means to accept willingly. You feel worthy to receive when you let others around you help and do things for you.
People who find it difficult to receive feel unappreciated, exhausted, and resentful.
Here are some statements that people who struggle with receiving say:
- I can’t count on anyone.
- Others take advantage of me.
- Things only get done if I do them.
- I always help others but I don’t know what I want.
- People don’t listen to me.
Many times we turn away what others offer to us by saying “I’m fine or Don’t worry about me.”
We need to understand that wanting something is not greedy and selfish. Also, it is OK to ask for what we want.

In order to connect with divine abundance you need to be at peace with yourself by loving, forgiving, and accepting yourself.

The end of the prayer emphasizes that positive and negative situations may come and go regardless of how we feel about them. However, if we trust divine abundance we will find relief and fulfillment .
6. Gratitude for Divine Abundance
To truly harness the power of divine abundance, we must also cultivate an attitude of gratitude.
By expressing gratitude for what we already have, we invite more of those blessings to come our way. This simple practice shifts our focus from lack to abundance and opens us up to the infinite possibilities that exist in every moment.
Every day, take a few moments to reflect on what you are grateful for. It can be as simple as appreciating a beautiful sunrise or expressing gratitude for the love and support of your friends. By consciously acknowledging these blessings, we invite more abundance into our lives.
An additional exercise to cultivate gratitude is keeping a gratitude journal. Each day, write down three things you are grateful for. This practice helps to rewire your brain to seek and recognize the positive aspects of your life, ultimately attracting more abundance.
Gratitude is the gateway to receiving more.
Here are more tips on How to be Happy by Practicing Gratitude.
7. Letting Go of Attachment to Outcomes
It is essential to let go of attachment to specific outcomes.
When we become fixated on a particular result, we limit the possibilities that the universe can bring into our lives.
Instead, we must cultivate a mindset of openness and flexibility, allowing for the highest and best outcome to manifest.
Surrendering and trusting the divine plan is not about passively waiting for things to happen. It is about actively participating in the process while releasing attachment to specific outcomes.
When we trust that the universe has our best interests at heart, we allow ourselves to be guided towards the experiences and opportunities that align with our highest good.
One practical technique to let go of attachment is to practice non-attachment meditation. This involves observing our thoughts and emotions without judgment or attachment, allowing them to arise and pass away naturally.
Through this practice, we begin to detach from the need for things to happen in a certain way, and instead, embrace the unknown and unexpected.
8. Taking Inspired Action
Tosha Silver emphasizes that when we are aligned with the divine, opportunities and synchronicities unfold effortlessly. However, it is important to take action when the Universe presents us with doors to abundance.
Inspired action is different from regular action; it is guided by intuition and a deep knowing that this is the right path to take.
It requires us to trust our inner wisdom and have faith in the unfolding of divine timing. When we take inspired action, we are co-creating with the Universe, and doors that were once closed begin to open.
Pay attention to the signs and signals the Universe sends your way. It could be an unexpected encounter, a seemingly unrelated opportunity, or a gut feeling urging you to pursue a certain path. Trust in these divine nudges and take the step forward, even if it feels uncomfortable or uncertain.
Remember that inspired action does not necessarily mean taking grand leaps; it can be as simple as sending an email, making a phone call, or attending a networking event.
By showing up and taking even small steps towards our desires, we align ourselves with the flow of abundance and allow the Universe to work its magic.
9. Steps to Manifesting Divine Abundance
Don’t expect that a person, place, or thing will be your salvation. Instead of striving and pushing harder, pray to accept your current circumstances, just for now.
Once you say “yes” just for now, it opens the way for the next right action.
Here are 5 steps that we can use daily to manifest divine abundance and align our self with receiving.
Read the Full Abundance Change Me Prayer
At least once a day or more frequently read the Full Abundance Change me Prayer.
You may also use additional prayers to remind yourself of your intention of manifesting divine abundance.

Clean your house
Sometimes there is so much clutter around us that there is no room for anything new to come into our lives.
Clearing our house will create a vacuum to allow our new prosperity to come. The easiest way to begin is to offer all our belongings to the divine because we are unable to take any of our belongings once we die.
Here is a prayer that may be helpful:
“Dear Love, show me what I no longer need. Show me what needs to go.”
Tosha Silver
If you pray with sincerity, you will be shown what you don’t need anymore.
Marie Kondo in her book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, suggest to hold the item in your hand and ask yourself it if sparks joy. If the item sparks joy, you should keep the item. However, if the object does not bring you joy you should discard the object.
Start small by focusing on a drawer, shelf, or corner.
Stop Complaining about Money
Constantly telling others or oneself that we don’t have enough money or we can’t afford something will keep us stuck in the scarcity mindset.
Even if it may be true that we don’t have enough money there is no need to say “I’m broke” or “ I wish I could buy that, but I don’t have the money”.
Instead, state that “Whatever I need always comes.”
You may also say:
“All my finances are offered to Love, and miraculously, whatever I need always comes. The Divine is my Source for all.”
Tosha Silver
Make a Statement of Gratitude
Every day, find one thing you are grateful for and focus on that positive feeling.
This will help you to diminish complaining and increase your appreciation for what is working in your life.
Say “It’s Easy for me to Receive
Repeating this phrase every day, will help you to focus on ease, receptivity, and openness. It may be difficult to receive when we focus on competing with others at work or at home. Constantly comparing our achievements with others keeps us stuck in the scarcity thinking.
10. Conclusion: Embracing Divine Abundance
Abundance is not just about material wealth; it is about cultivating a deep sense of connection and alignment with the divine.
One way to integrate divine abundance into your spiritual practice is through the practice of prayer. By setting aside time each day to connect with the divine, you create a sacred space for abundance to flow into your life.
Use this time to express gratitude for the abundance that already exists and to ask for guidance and support in manifesting more.
What is your first step toward divine abundance?