LinkedIn recently conducted a survey that found that nearly 80% of professionals suffer from the Sunday Scaries, which is the feeling of dread that sets in on Sunday anticipating a stressful week. It’s a time when we regret past decisions and worry about the week ahead.

We expectantly waited for the weekend to relax, have fun, and enjoy a wonderful time. On Sunday afternoon we start to feel a mild knot in our stomach and shallow breathing when we realize that the weekend is almost over and Monday’s unsurmountable to do list beckons. This creates anxiety and a hormonal reaction to stress. Now we feel the Sunday Scaries in our body. Here are some strategies to beat the Sunday Scaries:

Focus on this Moment

Stay in the present. Anxiety is a future oriented state. Keep your mind focused on all the wonderful things around you right now. What can you enjoy?

Break the Cycle

If negative thoughts keep coming to your mind, write them down to get them out of your head. Once all your negative thoughts are on paper look for positive thoughts. What do you like about your job? Why are you still working there? What are the benefits or perks that your job offers?

  • Watch a comedy or something funny
  • Call an upbeat friend or family member
  • Listen to music
  • Read a book or inspirational quotes

Take Care of Yourself

If you body feels good your mind will be able to focus on more positive thoughts. Make sure you drink enough water and eat nutritious food. 

Stay Active

Do something that you enjoy. Lying in bed or sitting on the couch regretting past decisions won’t lift your mood. What could you do right now that would keep your body and mind occupied? Don’t pull a blanket over your head try this instead:

  • Go for a walk
  • Watch a work out video and follow along
  • Dance to upbeat music
  • Clean or organize a small cluttered space
  • Play with your pet
  • Spend time in nature, go to the beach, mountains, or park
  • Hang out with upbeat people
  • Go shopping within a budget
  • Cook or prepare some yummy and healthy food

Create a Routine

Instead of counting down the hours until Monday, create an enjoyable sequence of actions that will ease you into the week ahead. Make a list of some tasks that you know you need to complete every Sunday afternoon. It could start with some exercise, preparing your items for the week, making sure there is some food in the refrigerator, planning a pleasant dinner, spending some time with loved ones or any other activity that will create a more enjoyable end of the day.

Monday Fun

Don’t plan all the lighthearted pleasure and excitement for the weekend. Make sure you have something enjoyable to look forward during Monday. Is there any special activity that makes you happy that you could schedule for Monday or Tuesday? You could focus your attention on the desirable activity instead of the dreadful tasks. You could indulge in:

  • Drinking your favorite beverage
  • Trying a new recipe
  • Calling a friend
  • Reading a chapter of a book you enjoy
  • Completing a step forward toward a personal project

Just add something to Monday that gets you in a good mood. Experiment with different options until you find the one that works for you.

Prepare for the Week Ahead

I like to think about Sunday afternoon as a preparation for the week ahead. I ask myself, what could I do now to have a relaxed week? Making sure that the family clothes are clean and ready, having some easy to prepare food in the refrigerator, and planning for something to look forward within the week keeps the Sunday Scaries away for me.

Next time you feel the looming anxiety creeping in, remember that there are strategies that can help you successfully navigate the Sunday Scaries with ease.