Find out why writing is a superpower and how you can use it to change your life.

If you feel stuck, constantly thinking about the same issues, writing will help you find alternative ways of thinking about the problem and come up with possible solutions.

In our everyday life, when we are busy and distracted, we forget to connect with our wise inner-self.

Sitting down and writing helps you to slow down and make space for insightful reflection.

Why Writing is a Superpower

Writing down your thoughts and feeling will help you identify mental loops or areas where you are stuck.

When you write down the facts about your life, your related thoughts, and feelings, you can reinterpret your past and figure out what to do next.

Writing is a superpower because it will help you to find insightful breakthroughs and creative solutions to your problems.

While your hand holds a pencil or while typing on your keyboard, you will be able to connect with your true self, intuition, unconscious mind, the universe, or God.

In addition, taking some time out of your day to write about yourself, helps to slow you down and connect you with your creativity and spirituality.

If you are not sure how to start the habit of writing every day. You may want to read: How to Start a Journal: 8 Easy Tips for Beginners.

We all experience hundreds of thoughts every hour but we hardly remember any of them. Sometimes we have good ideas and we scramble to write them down before we forget them.

Research shows that writing for twenty minutes every day for four days can significantly improve your mental health. (Pennebaker)

Writing helps to feel more confident in yourself and your ability to solve problems and find yourself.

How to Use Writing as a Superpower to Change Your Life

The first step to changing your life is to become aware of your deepest thoughts and feelings.

Find a quiet and distraction-free place to write.

Pay attention to the tone of your writing. Ask yourself, does it sound positive and encouraging or negative and critical? The way we write is the way we talk to ourselves.

If you notice a negative or critical tone, look for ways to state the same information in a more positive way.

In addition, it is important to focus on getting your thoughts and feelings on paper without worrying about grammar, penmanship, or spelling.

Becoming aware of your thoughts and words helps you evaluate if your words describe who you want to be. Changing your words is the first step to changing your life.

There is a connection between writing and our life.

Write and reflect on:

  • How do you spend most of your time?
  • Why are these activities important to you?
  • How do you feel about the way you are spending your time?
  • How will you feel in your death bed?

The Superpower of Writing Down Your Secrets

Writing is such a powerful tool for healing and growth because sharing your secrets makes you feel at ease with your life. 

According to Pennebaker, in his book Opening Up by Writing it Down, when we keep secrets, we hold back our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

The same thing happens with lies, we try to “fit in” or “look good” in other people’s eyes by lying about what we ate, where we went during the weekend, or how we spent our money or time.

Also, studies suggest that the average person keeps about thirteen secrets, five of which they consider “big” secrets. Keeping secrets has negative effects on our mental health such as stress, shame, and guilt.

Disclosure is a huge reason why writing is such a powerful tool for healing and growth. Secrets kill. Keeping secrets makes us feel tired, lonely, sad, and guilty.

According to Pennebaker, when we disclose deeply personal experiences, there are immediate changes in our brain’s activity.

However, disclosing information to the wrong person or at the wrong time can be dangerous.

Telling your most tender secrets online can also have unpredictable results.

The safest way to disclose your secrets is to write them down.

If you have experienced a traumatic event in the past or are experiencing it right now, putting your thoughts and feelings on paper can help to process the difficult experiences.

By translating your thoughts and feelings into written words, they will not have a negative long time effect on your body and mind.

If you don’t have access to safe places or people, writing is a helpful tool.

Writing down your stories helps to break the control they have over you and your life.

Writing helps to process your difficult experiences by naming your thoughts and feelings.

Even if sharing this information with a friend would have the same healing effect, you never know how your friend will react or interpret this information.

How to Keep Your Writing Safe

Writing can become a safe place where you can freely express yourself.

Express in words how you feel without worrying about what others may think because you will tear up the paper anyway.

The safest thing to do after writing your most intimate thoughts and feelings is to tear them up and throw them in the trash.

If you are angry at a person, write a letter detailing your feelings and the reasons for them. Don’t hold back, get everything on the paper and you will feel relieved afterward.

There is no need to send the letter. The act of writing will provide relief and insight into the situation.

In conclusion writing, for twenty minutes every day can have a massive impact on your mental health.

Whether you write before going to bed or right when you wake up in the morning, studies have shown that just the simple act of writing can have a crucial positive effect on your mental health and well-being.

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