One of the easiest strategies to be happy is to use affirmations.

We use over and over the same words when we talk to ourselves and others. The thoughts and words we repeat the most become our behavior, habits, values, and destiny.

As you read through this post, ask yourself, what are your everyday thoughts and words? Are they usually positive, enthusiastic, and encouraging or are they negative and critical?

What are Affirmations?

Affirmations are positive statements that we say out loud or silently to change our thoughts toward a desired outcome.

For example, if we have a job interview, we could remember previous failures or mistakes we made. We could be scared of stuttering, having a brain freeze, or saying something inappropriate.

If we are aware of our negative thoughts, we can deliberately change them to encouraging statements such as:

  • I will do my best
  • This is a great opportunity
  • I am prepared for this
  • The right words will come to my mind
  • I practiced critical questions
  • This will be a great interview

When your words reflect what you want to happen, you begin thinking about your upcoming interview as a great success. 

Affirmations are powerful and easy to use. Many prominent entrepreneurs, professional athletes, artists and actors use them all the time. Affirmations are helpful to run businesses, perform well, be creative, and come up with innovative ideas.

Affirmations are like positive mantras that we repeat over and over to influence our thoughts, habits, and behaviors. We can use them in our everyday life, especially to overcome anxiety or when faced with stressful situations.

When to use Affirmations?

It is in our human nature to worry and try to prevent negative experiences from happening to us. 

If you catch yourself entertaining negative thoughts,  anticipating undesired outcomes, or unable to take action toward what you think will make you happy, give affirmations a try. 

Using positive affirmations will create a robust environment in our mind. In turn, these powerful words propel us to start thinking, behaving, and even speaking positivity in our lives.

The good news is that we can reprogram our subconscious mind by using positive affirmations to create the reality we crave for in terms of happiness, love, wealth, or anything else we want.

Why Affirmations work? 

People who are already successful attract even greater success because of their already predominant positive thoughts. 

Envision yourself delivering a resounding presentation or nailing that coveted job interview. If you are an optimist, you visualize the best possible outcomes and then do whatever you can to make them happen.

Our subconscious mind plays an integral role in the manifestation of our desires. When we begin to feel good about and believe in ourselves and have a positive attitude, various components of our life start falling into place.

If we have a negative attitude, then we are most likely to start attracting adverse outcomes and engaging in self-defeating behaviors.

How to do Affirmations?

Affirmations help you to focus on your areas of strengths and be open to positive progress, minimize anxiety, stress, depression, boost performances, even increase levels of happiness in your life.

The most effective way to do this is to begin all your affirmations with statements that solidify your identity and keep you accountable like “I” or “I am.”

Additionally, state affirmations in the present tense and infuse them with positive feelings and emotions.

For example, if your thoughts revolve around a fear of being alone your affirmation could include statements like “I am enough, and I am surrounded by people who love and appreciate me.”

How to be Happy using Affirmations? 

Positive affirmations will inspire and encourage actions toward what we believe will make us happy.

Positive statements may sound unauthentic in the beginning. We’ll feel a tension between our current negative thoughts and the positive affirmations. The more we repeat positive statements, the more natural they will feel. Once we accept and believe they are true, change will start to happen.

Affirmations can buffer stress and improve problem-solving performance in individuals who suffer from various mood and mental issues such as chronic stress, anxiety, or depression.

Can you imagine being able to train your mind to think positive thoughts because negative thinking is after all counterproductive, destructive, and even drains your energy?

Instead of starting your day focusing on what could go wrong in every situation, why not wake up with a positive affirmation that you are capable of dealing with what the day throws at you.

Create immediate peace and inner happiness by affirming words like “ I have everything I need to be happy today” or “I purpose to be happy now”  – Reiterate these words, remember how they feel to say them out loud until they are etched deep into your mind and very soul and become you.


Now you know how to be happy using affirmations. Repeat statements that describe you as experiencing joy, mental clarity, happiness, satisfaction, success, stillness, any time, anywhere.

They cost you nothing, and when you live by your affirmations, you will experience an inspiring shift in your thoughts and overall life.

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