According to research, you can be creative and happy because creative activities can lower stress and anxiety while at the same time giving you a sense of purpose.

In addition, after engaging in creative activities, research participants shared that they felt more energetic and positive about their ability to solve problems.

When was the last time that you felt creative or engaged in a creative activity?

Let’s start by defining creativity.


What is Creativity?


Creativity is the use of our imagination to come up with new ideas based on: 

  • connecting previous experiences, ideas, or patterns in new ways  
  • experimenting with new interests 
  • expressing yourself in a new or original way 
  • engaging in artistic expression or activities
  •  finding similarities among diverse circumstances
  • perceiving reality in new ways
  • connecting unrelated concepts
  • coming up with different solutions to problems 

What Do You Need to Be Creative?


Everyone has the capacity to be creative.

However, our creativity will depend on how much we were encouraged to explore, make mistakes, and solve problems.

The more we engage in creative activities, the more we will develop the right side of our brain that is responsible for problem solving, attention, and creativity.

In addition, it is never too late to boost your creativity.


Creative Activities Boost Your Happiness


Research Studies suggest that engaging in everyday creative activities makes us feel happy and energized because our brain releases dopamine, a feel good hormone.

There are many activities in our everyday life that involve our creativity such as:

  • Crafting
  • Gardening
  • Sewing/Knitting
  • Playing an instrument
  • Cooking
  • Dancing
  • Painting
  • Writing
  • Building
  • Drawing

To be creative and happy, include at least one of these or any other creative activities in your daily schedule.


Health Benefits of Engaging in Creative Activities


Including more creative activities in your everyday life not only helps you become a happier and more energized problem solver but it also has some health benefits such as:

  • Lowering stress and anxiety
  • Enhancing resilience
  • Improving your physical health
  • Focusing your mind on the task at hand
  • Calming effect on the brain
  • Reducing dementia
  • Lowering depression


5 Tips to Be Creative and Happy


Next time you face a difficult problem or feel like you are stuck, try one of these strategies to find new solutions to your problems. You can follow these tips to be creative and happy.


1 – Be Kind and Gentle with Yourself


In our results driven society, where everything needs to be measured, improved, and achieved fast, it can be daunting to be creative.

Don’t judge yourself too harshly when you try something new and it doesn’t work. Label it as a learning experience. Go ahead and try again. Next time you will have a better idea of what to expect. 

You need to give yourself time to explore and experiment with new situations if you want to be creative and happy.


2 – Self-reflect


Take some time to think, write, and reflect on your problems and possible solutions. It is helpful to write down your questions, insights, and ideas.

At first, it will seem that you are just repeating yourself but if you continue focusing and writing about your questions, you will find new and surprising solutions.

Here are more tips on how writing can make you happy.

3 – Learn or Try Something New


Every time we learn or do something new, our brain forms new neural connections.

In addition, we have to focus our attention and stay present when doing something for the first time.

Is there any skill you have always wished to have even if it seems useless? Spend at least one hour per week engaging in that skill. Make a list of new activities you could include in your week or month.

Here are some examples:

  • Go to a new place
  • Try a different recipe or food

Even though trying something new is usually rewarding it can also feel disappointing if the experience was not as expected.

If the experience was negative such as when you did not like the food, book, or place, think of it as a learning experience. Now you know that you don’t like a specific condiment, author, or place.


4 – Exercise


While your muscles are working out, the blood flow into your brain increases. 

Moreover, physical activity stimulates new thought patterns.

Next time you are trying to find a creative solution to a problem try:

  • going for a walk
  • doing yoga
  • dancing
  • running

or your favorite type of physical exercise.

Here are more tips on how to be happy by exercising your body


5 – Meditate


If you are stressed out at work and are unable to find a solution to your problems, try meditation. 

There is a neuropsychological connection between creativity and meditation. Using EEG (Electroencephalogram), studies show that meditation enhances creative incubation and illumination.

In addition, meditation has many positive effects such as reducing stress and helping you make more thoughtful decisions.

Moreover, repeating the same thinking patterns such as when we constantly focus on a particular problem will reduce neural activity.

However, meditation will stop the habitual thinking pattern and you will be able to perceive useful ideas you had not considered before. Therefore, meditation will allow you to be creative and happy.

Short meditation periods of about 10 minutes make you feel relaxed and energized.

Here are more tips on how to be happy practicing meditation.


What do you do in your daily life to be creative and happy? Let me know in the comments below.


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